Biofuels a vision for 2030
i n t h e E u ro p e a n U n i o n
A vision for 2030 and beyond
he EU road transport sector accounts for more
than 30% of the total energy consumption in the
Community. It is 98% dependent on fossil fuels
with a high share of imports and thus extremely
vulnerable to oil market disturbance. The growing
transport sector is considered to be one of the
main reasons for the EU failing to meet the Kyoto
targets. It is expected that 90% of the increase of
2 emissions between 1990 and 2010 will be
attributable to transport.
Europe has defined ambitious targets for the
development of biofuels. The aim is to improve
European domestic energy security, improve the
overall CO
2 balance and sustain European
competitiveness. The development of innovative
biofuel technologies will help to reach these
The current production of liquid biofuels in the
EU 25 is about 2 Mtoe, which is less than 1%
of the market. Although there have been marked
increases in production and use in recent years,
the market share is at risk of failing the EU policy
target for 2010 of 18 Mtoe used in the transport
The EU has a significant potential for the
production of biofuels. It is estimated that between
4 and 18% of the total agricultural land in the EU
would be needed to produce the amount of biofuels
to reach the level of liquid fossil fuel replacement
required for the transport sector in the Directive
2003/30/EC. Furthermore, biofuels can contribute
to the EU’s objectives of securing the EU fuel
supply while improving the greenhouse gas
balance and fostering the development of a
competitive European (biofuels and other) industry.
An ambitious and achievable vision for 2030 is that
up to one quarter of the EU’s transport fuel needs
could be met by clean and CO
2-efficient biofuels.
A substantial part will be provided by a competitive
European industry, using a wide range of biomass
resources, based on sustainable and innovative
technologies. Biofuel development will create
opportunities for biomass providers, biofuel
producers and the automotive industry. Also, the
European technology will be used in 2030 in many
countries exporting biofuels to Europe.
Reaching the vision means considerably increasing
domestic biofuel production, while balancing it
with international biofuel trade. This will not only
require substantial investment in biomass
production, harvesting, distribution and
processing, but also calls for agreed biofuel and
biofuel-blend standards.
Executive summary
By 2030, the European Union covers as much
as one quarter of its road transport fuel needs
by clean and CO
2-efficient biofuels.
A substantial part is provided by a
competitive European industry. This
significantly decreases the EU fossil fuel
import dependence. Biofuels are produced
using sustainable and innovative
technologies; these create opportunities
for biomass providers, biofuel producers
and the automotive industry.The EU road transport sector accounts for more
than 30% of the total energy consumption in the
Community. It is 98% dependent on fossil fuels
with the crude oil feedstock being largely imported
and thus extremely vulnerable to oil market
disturbance. The transport sector is considered to
be one of the main reasons for the EU failing to
meet the Kyoto targets. It is expected that 90% of
the increase of CO2 emissions between 1990 and
2010 will be attributable to transport.
Internal combustion engines will continue to be
the dominant transport technology available in
2030, using mostly liquid fuels produced from both
fossil and renewable sources. Biofuels provide the
best option to replace a significant share of these
fossil fuels.
Europe has defined ambitious targets for the
development of biofuels. The aim is to improve
European domestic energy security, improve the
overall CO2 balance and sustain European
competitiveness. The development of innovative
biofuel technologies will help to reach these
The EU has a significant potential for the
production of biofuels. Biofuel use has to increase
from its present low usage – less than 2% of
overall fuel – to a substantial fraction of the
transportation fuel consumption in Europe (in line
with this report’s vision of 25% in 2030). It is
estimated that between 4 and 18% of the total
agricultural land in the EU would be needed to
produce the amount of biofuels to reach the level
of liquid fossil fuel replacement required for the
transport sector in the Directive 2003/30/EC.
Creating an EU market for biofuels will offer an
opportunity for the new Member States that have
more agricultural land per capita and will facilitate
the absorption of the agricultural sector in the
Common Agricultural Policy.
Biofuels production represents a major opportunity
for the European economy. Developing innovative
technologies can secure new jobs in rural areas,
but also within industrial companies. In addition,
new job opportunities could also arise from
technology export. A study estimates that if the
EU target for renewable energy in the European
Union is met in 2010, the growth in net employment
in the biofuels sector could be as high as 424 000
jobs with respect to the year 2000 (see Chapter 4).
Innovative technologies are needed to produce
biofuels in an energy efficient way, from a wider
range of biomass resources and to reduce costs.
The options, which will be developed, need to be
sustainable in economic, environmental and social
terms, and bring the European industry to a
leading position.
This means that apart from purely economic
factors, e.g. investment, operating cost, and
productive capacity, other factors have to be taken
into account such as the greenhouse gas and
energy balances, the potential competition with
food production and the impact of biomass
production on the environment.
The challenge therefore is to increase substantially
the production of biofuels by using innovative
feedstock, processes and technologies, which are
both competitive and sustainable.
ecuring future mobility
Before determining the potential role that biofuels
in EU 25 can play by 2030 and to recommend
appropriate policies for the development of
biofuels, it is important to assess the quantity and
structure of future energy demand for transport,
and the underlying data for mobility and economic
growth. Chapter 2 presents data from the baseline
scenario of a recent study by DG TREN [3].
The main points to note from the study are the
following forecasts for the period from 2000 to
• For the EU 25, an average annual growth of 0.6%
for primary energy (0.9 % for final energy),
compared to 2.4 % increase for GDP;
• An increase in dependency on energy imports,
from 47.1% in 2000 to 67.5% in 2030;
• Freight transport growing at an annual average
of 2.1% for the EU 15 and 2.3% for the new
member states. Road traffic will gain
significantly in terms of market share, mainly at
the expense of rail. In 2030, road traffic will
account for 77.4% of freight transport services,
compared to 69.0% in 2000;
• Personal transport growing at an annual average
value of 1.5% in the EU 25, distinctly lower than
the growth in GDP. The strongest increase is
forecast for aviation, which will double its share
to 10.8% and will account for 16% of the overall
energy demand of the transport sector in 2030.
However, private cars and motorcycles will by far
remain the most important means for personal
transport, with a market share of 75.8% in 2030,
compared to 77.7% in 2000;
• The largest increase in fuel use for transport in
absolute terms is expected to be for trucks and
buses. After 2010 the fuel demand by trucks is
forecast to even exceed that for passenger cars
and motorcycles.
According to the above study, liquid hydrocarbon
fuels will dominate the market by 2030, and diesel
will increase its proportion at the expense of
gasoline. As a result there would be a deficit of
produced diesel compared to demand and an
overcapacity of gasoline production in Europe. This
imbalance is a risk to European supply security,
but could also present a substantial opportunity to
the European biodiesel industry. There will also be
a need for kerosene, mainly for aviation.
User acceptance of biofuels is paramount. Ideally,
users should not notice the difference between
conventional and biofuels, nor should they be
required to extensively modify their existing
vehicles or perform new routines when using
biofuels (although future vehicles will have to
employ new technology).
Storage, distribution and sales logistics are also
important issues. For the private motorist market
(cars), it is a benefit if the biofuels are compatible
with existing logistics systems. For commercial
vehicles, particularly truck and bus fleets, separate
(dedicated) fuel distribution systems are already
common. For commercial vehicles, overall
economics will largely dictate how the fuel
distribution is organised. In any case, existing
infrastructure investments will be in use for their
full economical life-time, even with new fuels
being introduced to the market.
It seems likely that large-scale biofuel penetration
is only possible if the existing engine technologies
can be utilised. Ideally, future biofuels could be
used as blends to gasoline, diesel or natural gas,
or as neat products. Also alternating between
biofuels, conventional fuels and blends should be
In the period to 2030 it is expected that the
regulated exhaust gas emissions (NOx, CO, HC,
particulates) will be further reduced in steps to
reach near-zero emissions, with vehicle emissions
stable over the vehicles life. High quality of the fuel
is an important enabler to comply with stringent
emission regulations. Emission standards (and
other vehicle standards) should preferably be
based on global technical regulations with
relatively minor regional adaptations. Fuel quality
must therefore be compatible with this reality on a
global basis. In parallel, energy consumption /
emission of greenhouse gases should be reduced
significantly due to legislation, incentives and
increased cost-effectiveness of the transportation
Improving existing conversion technologies
Further progress is required to improve the energy
and therefore carbon balance of existing
technologies. This can be achieved by using
innovative processes for biomass conversion and
fractionation of products: thus new developments
in the areas of catalytic and separation processes
(such as membranes, new adsorbents, ionic
liquids or supercritical extraction) can lead to
improved energy efficiency and better thermal
Ethanol production from starch can advance in
economic and environmental performance by
increasing the yield and improving the quality of
co-products. New enzymes and processes can
bring starch ethanol to competitiveness with fossil
fuels in the short term.
In the case of FAME, FAEE and other derivatives,
new catalytic processes such as those based on
heterogeneous catalysis could be used to increase
the yield and economics. The use of alternative
sources of fatty acids (alternative oil-seed crops,
GM) has to be considered. The quality of byproducts
is also an important factor. Improving the
purity of glycerol can improve significantly the
competitiveness of FAME production. The optimal
use of by-products as intermediates for the
production of fine chemicals or pharmaceuticals
should also be considered. Biological processes
(e.g. based on lipase enzymes) for biodiesel
production from vegetable oil (typically rapeseed
oil in Europe) could represent a significant advance
over the present-day process of chemical
Diesel fuel can also be produced by hydrotreatment
of vegetable oil and animal greases.
The technology has reached the demonstration
stage and could be implemented soon. It is
promising in being flexible in terms of feedstock,
but requires integration with an oil refinery in order
to avoid building a dedicated hydrogen production
unit and to maintain a high level of fuel quality.
For biogas, key issues are maximising biogas
production during the digestion process and gas
purification (upgrading). It is also an option to
process the biogas further or to produce synthetic
natural gas (SNG).
The design and operation of existing biofuel plants
is largely based on empirical experience.
Therefore, the acquisition of thermodynamic, fluid
dynamic and kinetic data is required for
optimisation of existing, and the development of,
new processes. Improving the analysis and
characterisation of biochemical components,
process fluids and mixtures are needed. More
effective modelling methods for process and plant
optimisation should be developed.
By 2030, up to one quarter of the EU’s transport
fuel needs could be met by clean and CO
biofuels. In order that this can be realised, the
following is recommended:
1. There are many alternative types of biofuel and
production processes. To ensure competition in
the delivery of competitive, renewable and
secure biofuels it is important not to lock into
one product or technology today, but to create
an environment in which such products and
technologies can evolve.
2. For conventional biofuels, further progress is
required to improve the energy and carbon
balance of existing technologies. This can be
achieved by using innovative feedstock and
processes for biomass conversion and products
fractionation, supported by advanced modelling
methods and acquisition of chemical
engineering data for process and plant
3. Advanced conversion technologies are needed
for second generation biofuels. New methods
are needed for ethanol production from a wider
range of resources, including lignocellulosic
biomass. Gasification of lignocellulosic biomass
is a promising technology for the large-scale
production of biofuels for road, marine and air
transport (gasoline- and diesel-type fuels,
kerosene, DME and others).
4. The expected growth of the biofuels market and
the development of new transformation
pathways make it timely to investigate new
integrated refining schemes. The biorefineries
will be characterised by an efficient integration
of various steps, from handling and processing
of biomass, fermentation/gasification in
bioreactors, chemical processing, and final
recovery and purification of the product.
5. For supply of the biomass feedstock, sustainable
land strategies must be created that are
compatible with the climatic, environmental and
socio-economic conditions prevailing in each
region. The use of both primary and residual
products from agriculture and forestry should be
promoted. The issue of competition for biomass
resources should be properly addressed.
6. Dedicated energy crops and the use of
biotechnology will allow more efficient use of the
whole crop, resulting in an increased and
continuous supply of feedstock with uniform
7. The development of advanced and efficient
powertrains, including flexible fuel engines, both
for light and heavy duty vehicles, is paramount.
These technologies should aim at optimising the
utilisation of energy on a well-to-wheel basis.
The introduction of new, advanced engines
would require a clear framework and planning.
8. Agreed quality and environmental standards for
biofuels and biofuel blends are mandatory.
These standards should be developed in
consultation with all relevant stakeholders.
9. Biofuels and their raw materials are traded on
world markets. A fully self-sufficient approach
to meet the EU’s needs is neither possible nor
desirable. The Commission should pursue
a balanced approach in encouraging both
domestic production and imports. Export of
European biofuel technology to countries that
export biofuels to the EU will help the EU
biofuel technology industry to achieve and
maintain a competitive position globally.
10. A full deployment of biofuels can be expected
by 2030. To achieve this, optimal co-operation
between stakeholders from research,
agriculture, forestry and industry is vital. A
good co-ordination between major European
actors will be essential and would be facilitated
by joint innovation programmes and joint
operation of large demonstration facilities.
11. A European Technology Platform [11] for Biofuels
should be established. Its scope should include
biomass-based fuels for road, water and air
12. The Technology Platform should support
further development and deployment of
currently available fuels, and it needs to
strongly promote the transition towards second
generation biofuels, which will be produced
from a wider range of feedstock and which will
help to reduce costs of “saved” CO
2. Attention
should be paid to the issue of costeffectiveness
and to assessing and monitoring
the full environmental impact of biofuels.
13. The Biofuels Technology Platform should
establish and maintain close links to other
relevant Technology Platforms such as ERTRAC
(road transport), Forest-based Sector, Plants
for the Future (“green” biotechnology),
Sustainable Chemistry (including “white” or
industrial biotechnology) and Hydrogen & Fuel
Cells, as well as to national platforms and
other RTD&D initiatives in EU Member States.
14. The EU is supporting biofuels with different
policy measures. Harmonisation of policy
measures is a complex, cross cutting and
dynamic task, and requires a thorough impact
assessment to examine what the economic and
environmental effects of an increased use of
biofuels would be. The Biofuels Technology
Platform can provide an agreed analytical base
to assist all Commission services concerned
(e.g. Directorates-General Research, Energy and
Transport, Trade, External Relations, Agriculture
and Rural Development, Environment, and
Economic and Financial Affairs).
Successful implementation of the above will help
ensure that a substantial part of the biofuels
market is provided by a competitive European
industry based on sustainable and innovative
technologies, creating opportunities for biomass
providers, biofuel producers and the automotive
industry. The established and operational Biofuels
Technology Platform will provide the scenarios
and strategic guidance for decision makers tomake it happen.
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